Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bumpy Road

Well we have had an adventure this week. Not a real planned one either sooo….how about a little background.
Since starting radiation Pam’s only real symptom had been fatigue and a worsening local sunburn. About 2 weeks ago she started having increased belly pain. We were initially able to control this pain with oral narcotics . Actually  we were able to go down to the boat. While there, Pam managed to explode a gel pack and get second degree burns on both forearms. You got to be careful in the meth lab. The following weekend we had a repeat performance of pain. Monday of this week after radiation we got a celiac nerve block and had very good results for 7 hours. The next day while at radiation we all noted the Pam had a definite  yellow hue: Jaundiced. This was confirmed by lab results. The concern was that the cancer was progressing. She was admitted to the hospital for hydration and testing. The tests showed that  biliary tree was enlarged suggesting there was an obstruction. Again the concern that the tumor was progressing. Today Pam underwent an endoscopic exam that was to accomplish 3 things. 1)get a stent across the obstruction (2) reblock the celiac nerves (3) evaluate if there was obvious tumor. One and two were accomplished. Number 3 was a bit more ill defined. There was no obvious mass but there was some fullness in the area of the bile ducts. And what does all this mean? The good news is that radiation is over. PAM “RANG THE BELL”. The plan moving forward is let her Jaundice resolve and then restart some systemic chemotherapy. What and how long is yet to be determined.  We are all doing better since Pam is better. If you have any questions let us know. We appreciate all of your love and prayers.

God Bless,

P.S.  Special thanks to ("Dr.") Kim Graham Lee for being with Pam every day as well as being our photographer!  We love you.

Below are some of her pictures...Enjoy!

 "Dr. Mamma Lee" checking Pam's heart

 Ellie and Pam in her room.

Pam has graduated from radiation!

  Dr. Lee again!

Those aren't suckers unfortunately! Thanks for stopping by, Becky and Julie!
Pam and Kaylin Post-Stent placement.  Smiling!

Dad and Lauren working on the blog.

Keep up the prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dedinsky family! I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you all constantly. I had no idea any of this was going on until Kaylin posted some pictures on Facebook (Pam - you really look wonderful, by the way!). Your family is one of my favorites and you definitely have one of the best and strongest matriarchs ever. I, along with my dad and sisters, are sending positive thoughts your way. Hang in there!

    Bridget (Maguire) Jones
