Friday, August 10, 2012

Empty-Nesters (As told by Ellie)

Friends and family,

As I am off to school on Wednesday, I thought that I would write a blog entry before my family ships me off!

As you can tell from the previous post, mom hit a bit of a rough patch last week.  Many calls came in with concerns; however, I think that the pictures maybe made mom look a little worse than how she felt.  The beginning of the week in the hospital was a tough battle.  But, I think that mom handled it as gracefully as Ryan Lochte losing the gold to Michael Phelps; head high, looking good.  In leu of the olympics, this process has been more of a marathon, as last week was a 100-meter huddle sprint!  Man, I really love the olympics.  And as the olympics kept us entertained in the hospital, so did the countless phone calls and visits.  Everyone's prayers have kept mom fighting as hard as she can since day one.

The visit from Trudy and Pam was definitely an interesting and special treat.  Those two always keep us laughing.  Another special shout-out to "Dr." Mamma Kim Lee, who truly has been a blessing for my family since my mom's diagnosis.  She is one amazing person and we owe her a million thank-you notes.

Onto better news!
This week, mom is back home almost in full force.  She continues to go to physical and occupational therapy on Mondays and Wednesdays to get motion and use back into her left arm.  She got a new, fancy arm brace that makes her hand look like Wolverine's.  AWESOME.  Honestly, I am a little bit jealous.  Past the cool new look, it allows mom better use of her hand by assisting her in gripping and holding objects.  Although she hasn't quite gotten back to her nimble guitar-playing hands, I assure you she will be back to strumming ASAP.  I know I can't wait.

Mom is going to be taking a break from treatment at the lake this week.  Hopefully she will get some needed R&R, since last week took a lot out of her, as well as the family.  We are headed down to Dale Hollow for a family vacation before we all part ways.  Dad will be needing extra prayers as he makes trips back and forth to pick up and drop off suburban-loads of people throughout the week.

I move in on Wednesday!  As excited as I am to start this new chapter in my life, I wish that I could stay home while my mom continues to heal.  She assures me that we can have Skype dates - I will be seeing her bald through my new macbook rather than in person - because chemo is the next plan for her fight!  She has dealt with it well in the past, as you all know - so we are very hopeful.  She will hopefully regain her strength back with the upcoming break in her treatment.  I have complete faith that your prayers have kept us going during this marathon.  I can't thank all of you enough.
Please Keep up the prayers!

God Bless,

Ellie (The last, but CERTAINLY not least)

p.s. because I am leaving this year, my parents will be empty-nesters... for those of you who live close, PLEASE, do not let my parents stay home.  I will send out cash donations to those of you who would like to help :)  JUST KIDDING!

p.p.s. Also...I'd like to add one more thought from Lauren's close-friend (and future NBA star), Errick Peck.  What a guy!

From Errick:

I took a visit to the Dedinsky household yesterday and as always, they took good care of me. I just wanted to leave a small quote on this blog to hopefully motivate you, show my concern for you, and let you know, Mama Dedinsky, that you are in my prayers. 

"The trials and pressures of life--and how we face them--often define us. Confronted by adversity, many people give up while others rise up. How do those who succeed do it? They persevere. They find the benefit to them personally that comes from any trial. And they recognize that the best thing about adversity is coming out on the other side of it. There is a sweetness to overcoming your troubles and finding something good in the process, however small it may be. Giving up when adversity threatens can make a person bitter. Persevering through adversity makes one better."


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bumpy Road

Well we have had an adventure this week. Not a real planned one either sooo….how about a little background.
Since starting radiation Pam’s only real symptom had been fatigue and a worsening local sunburn. About 2 weeks ago she started having increased belly pain. We were initially able to control this pain with oral narcotics . Actually  we were able to go down to the boat. While there, Pam managed to explode a gel pack and get second degree burns on both forearms. You got to be careful in the meth lab. The following weekend we had a repeat performance of pain. Monday of this week after radiation we got a celiac nerve block and had very good results for 7 hours. The next day while at radiation we all noted the Pam had a definite  yellow hue: Jaundiced. This was confirmed by lab results. The concern was that the cancer was progressing. She was admitted to the hospital for hydration and testing. The tests showed that  biliary tree was enlarged suggesting there was an obstruction. Again the concern that the tumor was progressing. Today Pam underwent an endoscopic exam that was to accomplish 3 things. 1)get a stent across the obstruction (2) reblock the celiac nerves (3) evaluate if there was obvious tumor. One and two were accomplished. Number 3 was a bit more ill defined. There was no obvious mass but there was some fullness in the area of the bile ducts. And what does all this mean? The good news is that radiation is over. PAM “RANG THE BELL”. The plan moving forward is let her Jaundice resolve and then restart some systemic chemotherapy. What and how long is yet to be determined.  We are all doing better since Pam is better. If you have any questions let us know. We appreciate all of your love and prayers.

God Bless,

P.S.  Special thanks to ("Dr.") Kim Graham Lee for being with Pam every day as well as being our photographer!  We love you.

Below are some of her pictures...Enjoy!

 "Dr. Mamma Lee" checking Pam's heart

 Ellie and Pam in her room.

Pam has graduated from radiation!

  Dr. Lee again!

Those aren't suckers unfortunately! Thanks for stopping by, Becky and Julie!
Pam and Kaylin Post-Stent placement.  Smiling!

Dad and Lauren working on the blog.

Keep up the prayers!