Sunday, February 26, 2012

Something Positive

         The last few weeks have been a whilrwind! First Pam is doing well. The second round of chemo was tolerated with very few symptoms. In fact Pam asked one of the nurses if the first dose was a placebo. They assured her it was not. It seems that the drug that Pam got to stimulate her bone marrow for some low counts really knocked her down after the second part of round one. This did not happen after the second part of round two. She is still amazing the family and multitude of friends with her optimism and energy levels. Over the last two weeks we had the company of her brother and family from Texas. Kent was much happier about his sister once he could see how well she was doing. It also seems that Kaylin and cousin Amanda have quite a few things in common and wondered why we had kept them apart so long! It was a wonderful visit. There was much laughter and Pam is a wonderful tour guide but seems to have frightened a couple of elderly women in the car next to them when, with encouragement from her brother, removed her cranial prosthesis and made faces at them.
           This weekend was one of Kendal's wedding showers. Grandma Nelda, Penny, Jackie and Don, Jane and Anna arrived on Thursday/Friday. It was noisy, choatic, and funny: a true Uphoff event!
           The best part of the weekend was our meeting with the Oncologist on Friday. Earlier in the week Pam had a repeat CT Scan.  The scan showed that the tumor was showing signs of response to the chemo and no growth. It had not shrunk any yet but the center of the tumors were starting to dissolve. We do not know what this means yet prognostically, but it did mean that we are staying on the same chemo regimen. I consider this good because she is tolerating this regimen well. The plan is for repeat scans every two cycles and reassess.
   I know prayers and thoughts from all are responsible for our success. Keep calling and come by if you are in the neighborhood!

Love to all,

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