Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Life Goes On

In all the craziness that is part of our daily lives, it’s been over two weeks since the last blog. I have been remiss not because I have been feeling particularly under the weather, but rather life goes on despite chemo. And at our house, we have quite a few irons in the fire!

I did finally have to face the reality that I am a chemo patient last week. I thought I would continue to skate through these treatments with little to no side effects, but after a trip to St. Louis with Kendal for a bridal shower after my last treatment, I was faced with significant myalgias, weakness, and fatigue.  I know that this is a small price to pay as we continue to pound the tumors that threaten me.

In the midst of feeling sub-par, I made a trip to the oncologist to make sure that my labs looked okay. Turns out that (just as I expected) my hemoglobin has dropped a few points since I started chemo. This is likely the source of my increased weakness and fatigued legs on the treadmill every morning. In addition to this, I may also be feeling the accumulative effects of the chemotherapy as I start my fourth round.  This past week with no chemo has seen much improvement, but I still need my afternoon nap! When I don’t get that hour of sleep, I certainly pay the consequence. Much to my surprise, utilizing the  meal train during the week ensures that I get my rest time as I don’t have to worry about putting food on the table for dinner. Thank you all for your continued generosity!

This morning all the girls and Scott leave for Europe to see Lauren who has been abroad since January. Regretfully, Greg and I will not be able to accompany them as I have continued treatments these next two weeks. It is imperative that I continue to stay on course, and while I know all the girls wish we could share in this family experience , we felt it most important that I continue chemo on schedule. The plan is for a trip to Europe for Greg and I later in the year! We will get to practice being “ empty nesters “ for the next ten days. How is this possible? I ask myself.

In other news, Kendal placed for a surgical residency at her first choice, George Washington University in Washington DC. This ensures that Kendal will be able to enjoy newly married life by living in the same city as her soon to be husband! (Scott will be his residency in OBGYN at Walter Reed Military Hospital in DC as well.) What a relief! At the match day party, we got a preview of the band that will be playing at Kendal’s wedding. Bring your dancing shoes and hold onto your wig (if you wear one) – they were fabulous!

I have continued to reconnect with friends. Despite the challenges of cancer, one of the many blessings has been all the phone calls, meals, and conversations with so many people who have touched my life over the years. I am so grateful for all the love and support that continues to come our way.

I leave you with this:

God’s Promise to Me

“Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6

1 comment:

  1. Pam,

    Thank you for the's hard to keep a great person down...get your rest while the family is gone. What a wonderful opportunity for the girls and Scott to go abroad together to see one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We are all excited about the trip to Indy, it has been a long time since we all traveled together. I'm excited you will see little lily, she is a sweetie pie and so smart. I'm watching dancing with the stars every week in hope that I can pick up a new step or two:) Spring is certainly in the air here in Texas and the wild flowers are breathe taking. Looking forward to seeing some good hoops this weekend, the Hoosiers should be very proud of their season. I was pulling for Butler, can't lose those in that magical gym.

    Well love to all,

    Take care and pls know we all love you sissy..cheers

    God Bless you Kenny
